What companies get wrong about business continuity

Every business owner knows that having a business continuity plan is crucial to the success of their organization. However, when the unexpected does happen, companies tend to overlook how well employees can stick to the plan. To make sure your plan doesn’t go up in flames, here are five critical mistakes you must avoid. Mistake […]

Difficulties when backing up a virtual server

Many small businesses have embraced data virtualization over the past few years. And as with any kind of business data, virtualized data needs to be protected from disaster, cybercrime, and human error and, therefore, needs backup. When backing up your virtualized data, there are some most common difficulties you need to prepare for. Data virtualization […]

The laptop vs. desktop debate for small businesses

Running a small- to mid-sized business (SMB) requires you to make important decisions. One of the biggest you’ll need to make in the early stages of your business involves your SMB’s computer hardware. Should you invest in a desktop computer or a laptop? Here are some considerations to help you decide. Portability Modern desktop computers […]

Do you need VoIP this holiday season?

The holiday season is upon us — and businesses are likely to experience their phones ringing off the hook. As a business owner, you need to make sure that your Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) systems are ready to cope with the holiday rush. To ensure crystal clear calls, follow these useful VoIP system tips. […]

How to solve Office 2019 problems

Microsoft Office 2019 is one of the world’s most renowned cutting-edge office suites. It has a lot of productivity tools that can be used at work or at home. This may well be the single most powerful tool your business needs to succeed since you can use it to make and edit documents, spreadsheets, and […]

4 Biggest Facebook marketing mistakes

Facebook makes it possible for companies to showcase their products and services to targeted prospects more effectively and take their online presence to the next level. However, many businesses are struggling to get the results they want from Facebook marketing despite having spent large amounts of money. With that said, make sure you don’t fall […]

Make sure your web browser is safe

Web browsers are gateways to the internet, which is why you should care about how they transmit and store sensitive information. Want to learn more about which browser is safest? Take a read. Microsoft Edge Microsoft Edge, Windows’ current default browser, is an improvement over its predecessor Internet Explorer (IE). Edge was developed with Windows […]

How to improve data collection practices

As businesses of all sizes continue to adopt more apps and tools, the amount of available data grows exponentially. However, not all of that information is important or even useful. It’s critical that as you collect more data you keep it organized and relevant. The collection process is the best place to start. Before we […]

5 Most common security breaches

These days, the security of various IT systems is constantly being called into question. From attacks on mobile devices to ever-increasing types of malware, many businesses are struggling to stay on top of their security. One of the best ways to stay protected is to be aware of common cybersecurity issues. To that end, here […]